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Biomass dosers to biogas stations

BIODOSER is a machine used for dispensing biomass (corn silage, grass haylage, plant remains and other organic materials up to the size of 10 cm) into biogas station fermenters. The entire machine structure is based on the load-bearing foundation frame, to which the doser hopper, the floor chain conveyor, and the dosage system are attached. The legs of the unit are attached to the electronic scale tensiometers, which allow for the dosage of the precisely determined quantity of material to the fermenter using the control system.

The hopper is assembled of thick steel sheets and reinforced with steel profiles. The hopper size can be modified according to the customer’s requirements in volumes of 30, 50 or 70 m3. The double chain conveyor transports loaded material to the dosage unit. This conveyor’s speed is electronically controlled using the frequency changer and directly controls the size of the dose.

The dosage unit consists of 2 or 3 horizontal shredding rollers. These rollers further shred and regularly dose the mass into screw conveyors feeding the fermenter. The screw conveyors are not included in the basic execution; they are available as an option. The machine is equipped with its own control panel and central lubrication of all bearings.

Technical specifications


Hmotnost prázdného stroje (kg) 20 000
Užitečná hmotnost (kg) 40 000
Objem ložného prostoru (m3) 70
Celková délka stroje (mm) 12 160
Celková šířka stroje (mm) 5150
Celková výška stroje (mm) 4360
Pohon podlahového dopravníku el. motory + převodovka
2 x 0,25 kW
Pohon rozdružovacích válců el. motory + převodovky
Celkový instalovaný el. příkon (kW) do 20 kW


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